Monday, September 30, 2013

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell Review


5/5 Stars

OMG THAT BOOK WAS SO CUTE! - first reaction

Fangirl is about Cath, sister to Wren (let's give a high five to Rainbow Rowell for best naming of a character ever) who is going to college. She lives with her mean roommate Reagan and Reagan's best friend, Levi, who is there enough that he practically lives there. We also get characters like Professor Piper, her fiction writer teacher, and Nick, who writes with her. 

Oh, wait, she's exactly like us!

Legit, Cath is the fangirl. She writes fanfiction, has a gay noncanon ship, buys merchandise, watches the movies, goes to the midnight release party. this character is us. 

I love Cath and Levi's relationship. It was so cute to see them develop together, from the beginning when they invited her to get out of her room with the protein bars. Just adorable. Wren was one of the most interesting characters with her alcoholism problem. I really liked how that topic was touched on. It was done beautifully and she really redeemed herself and their relationship. Great work!

The plot was much better than Eleanor & Park, in my opinion. The main character was much more human. While she had her faults, they didn't define her. She was strong without being an overdose. It was so hard watching her go through all of the dramas of her freshman year. 

Must read. Seriously, read this if you've ever loved a book. And because you are on Goodreads, then you probably have a favorite book. Just read it, okay?


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