Friday, January 10, 2014

Bout of Books Friday 1/10 Day 5 Update


  • Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier - 172 pages

The first challenge for today is from Never Too Fond of Books. This is the Create a Story challenge and this are the rules:
 1. Open your current book to the last page you read. Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier - page 40
 2. Using the last word of every line, create a poem or story. My Words: car, and, fear, look, suddenly, blowing, night, even, all, the, it, before, corner, looked, seen, out, their 
And my story:

The car suddenly looked all fear. Their night, seen even before the look, and the corner, blowing out.

Okay, that story didn't make much sense...this was a jumbled mess of words and verb tenses! Hopefully, it turned out okay.

The second challenge is from The Book Spines and it is a book spine poetry challenge. Seeing as how I've failed at the past poetry attempts, this should be interesting. :) The goal for this one was to take a picture of your book spines that make a poem.

The books featured were Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins, The House of Hades by Rick Riordan, Reached by Ally Condie, and Beneath the Glitter by Elle Fowler. Therefore, the poem was Catching fire, the House of Hades reached beneath the glitter. 

This was a good day of reading for me! Now onto the final stretch of weekend when I hope to finish at least two more books. Wish me luck! 

1 comment:

  1. I have Ruby Red on my shelf--I keep seeing it pop up everywhere--maybe I need to plan to read it this month! :)

    Here is my progress on Bout of Books:

    Hoping to get a lot of reading done this weekend!
